What Is The Over And Under

25 years
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If you are over-billed, your P&L will reflect too much profit; if you’re under-billed, it will reflect too little profit. Changes in projected costs, meanwhile, can result in profit fade. For example, suppose you are working on a one-year, $1 million project with projected expenses of $800,000. Is Laverne Cox over or under 6'0? Matt Winkelmeyer / Getty Images. Laverne Cox is 5'11'. Is Venus Williams over or under 6'0?

24 years
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Vaccinated! 💉 Pick me! I’m safe
30 years
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To get over a person, you need to get under one.

'Man, you're still not over your ex?'
'Yea so'
'Well you need to get over and under.'

over-under - meme gif

over-under - video

Over-under - what is it?

A perseverance over somethingunpleasant.

'To us, the title Over The Under means we’re over all the negative stuff, we want to move forward.'
-- Kirk Windenstein

What does 'over-under' mean?

Someone who achieves the extra unecessaryachievements, but does them in a half-ass fashion.

Patrick decided to be an Over-Under Achiever when he went the extra mile to do his extra credit, even though he already had a 103 percent in his english class. This project was done in a very UNorderly fashion. The rough draft write-up ended up having its title 'rough draft' erased and then replaced with 'Final Project'.
22 years
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Curvy girl 👩 looking for a decent conversation and a relationship!

What Is The Over And Under

25 years
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Need a man 🦸 who will treat me right in and out of the bedroom!
26 years
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Over-under - what does it mean?

What Is The Over And Under On The Super Bowl

When one guy puts his dick underneath another guys Dick from behind, and positions them in a way that resembles an over under shotgun.

“Hey bro wanna make an over under shotgun on this urinal?”

Over-under - meaning

When a girl farts and queefs simultaneously, placing one hand 'over' her vagina, and the other hand 'under' her legs, on her ass, both in a cup-like position. When said girl farts and queefs, she moves her cupped hands from a closed to open position, thus creating a loud 'Over-Under Thunder.' This act is common when girls have pajama parties.

Cindy: Uh-oh! I have to fart and queef at the same time! What should I do?
Stacey: You should cut an Over-Under Thunder!

Over-under - definition

A shot of NyQuil dropped into a glass of rockstar. Like a jägerbomb but with NyQuil instead of jäger.

Me and the boys are dropping some over unders tonight.
28 years
Your city
I love to push my boundaries 😉 in the bedroom
30 years
Your city

What Is The Over And Under In Football

29 years
Your city
Happily married just looking for a bit of fun 🥳

Over-under - slang

Over Under is a bathroom stall challenge where you must enter a public restroom and piss a clean stream over the divider to the neighboring stall, then lay down on the floor and bend your piss stream, under the divider, into the same neighboring stall. Over Under has recently been taken up by the speedrunning community. 100% runs of Over Under start when the stall door is locked and are disqualified if as little as a drop of piss hits the divider wall (This is known as Walling Out). If one Walls Out they still must complete the run by laying down in a puddle of their own piss and completing the Under portion of the run. If a speedrunner successfully avoids Walling Out their time ends when the stall door opens. Video evidence must be submitted to the forums with any Over Under speedrun

Hey whats your PB in Over Under?
My OU PB is 22.5 seconds.


She’s so over under


Fingering a girl thru her pants and/or underwear

She wasn't letting me get in there, although I got a green light on the over-under so it kept me interested...


if your don't want to touch the person you are stuck sleeping with and there is two blankets and one bed. One person goes under one blanket and the other goes on top of the blanket next to the other person with a blanket over themselves. Super safe way to ensure no funny business in the sack.

Straight person 1: Well, were stuck sleeping on the cot again.
Straight person 2: At least theres two blankets so we can over-under.

While not as popular as betting against the point spread in sports gambling, betting the “over/under” isn’t that far behind. Sometimes you may see this as O/U, over-under, over under or simply referred to as “the over” or “the under.”

What does over under mean in betting?

Simply stated, it is the total of the points scored by both teams. While all sports employ an over/under betting option, by far the most money wagered on this bet is in football and basketball. Sports like baseball and hockey offer over/under options, but the vast majority of bets on those sports in based on the established “money line” to pick a winner at a set price.

Unlike a point spread bet in which you are aligning yourself with one team, you’re betting on both teams – either their offenses or the defenses – when betting the over/under. Sports books set over/under scores on games based upon numerous factors.

In the NFL, most over/under scores are set in the low-to-mid 40s.In college football, over/under scores are usually in the high-40 to low 50s – in the Big 12, the land that defense forgot, it can hit the 60s.In the NBA, a typical over/under tends to hover in the 210 range. In college basketball, a standard over/under is between 140 and 155.

The hidden factors that come into play in determining a point spread vary by sport, but have common themes. Recent team history is a primary factor that sports books like to exploit. Sports by their nature are a reflective business based on developing trends from previous games (“getting on a roll”) and, if a football team has scored 40-plus points in three straight games, the over/under is going to be higher because sports bettors tend to believe that trends are going to continue. It’s human nature…until they don’t.

If a critical player – a quarterback in football or a dominant scorer in basketball – is out or playing injured, the over/under will drop.

Other factors critical in setting the over/under number include weather (where applicable), an undefinable history between teams (you know Steelers-Ravens games are going to be physical bloodbaths) and injuries that may not jump out to casual fans that mean a lot sports books are all factors that go into creating and setting an over/under line that will draw an even number of fans to both sides of the number.

What Is The Over And Under For Seattle And Washington

The key to betting the over/under is to look at a slate of games without knowing what the over/under is and set what you believe it should be based on your knowledge of those two teams. The ones that differ the most from what you think should be are the ones to place your bets on.

One final note that has been a mantra of those who bet the over/under with some consistency – every game is under until it goes over.

What Is The Over And Under For The Super Bowl Game

If you’re new to sports betting, start with picking and choosing games you’re convinced should go under and get an understanding of how late-game fireworks can botch your plans.